Sunday, September 18, 2011

~photoshoot at the barn~ & Lancelot

I finally got some senior pics taken!! And better yet...WITH BLONDIE!!! I'm still going to get some pictures taken around the barn and with my dog..but that can wait a little longer...but before winter rolls in. 
Anyyywayyyys, Blondie behaved so well for being walked around, backed up, asked to stand, etc. etc. Plus, she looked b-e-a-utiful in her pictures!!...well, our pictures lol. Some of the shots didn't turn out so well since she kept moving, but we managed.

There's actually a book called A Horse Of Her Own, which I swear is practically a biography about me. The main girl loves horses but can't have her own so she rides at a camp and is in love with a horse named Beau. (Just like a horse i loved name Boo). 
   She ends up getting heartbroken because he gets sold to another person. (JUST LIKE BOO!!) Soo she starts riding another horse her instructor insists she rides. She gets a few major bumps and scrapes accompanied by restless sleep from aches and pains and the use of several ice packs. This horse is, ironically, big and reddish, chestnut in color like Blondie. In the book he's called Lancelot. She absolutely falls for this tall, strong, amazing horse and practically devotes herself to him..kinda like I did to Blondie. Soooo..what I'm trying to say is that I always say, "Blondie is my Lancelot." Now you all know why. I'm actually the one who started the whole, " my Lancelot," line. Now I've gotten other horse people to start saying it..which is pretty awesome!!

Anywhodoodle..just want to say that...and blog. which I I'll shut up now..

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