Thursday, June 21, 2012

Sore Feet

Blondie's feet haven't been looking so great lately. A visit from the farrier this past week told me that she had bacteria build up in her hoof wall that needed to be taken care of. I've been putting hoof oil on her feet for awhile but had no idea that her hoof was much worse than I thought. So I went to the store and picked up some bleach and hydrogen peroxide to make my own cheap hoof-soaking mix. It has been working to get rid of the bacteria so far. Blondie loves the soaking sessions, amazingly, so far. I expected her to be more difficult, but using a small, square soaking bucket that gives her foot lots of room and is shallow enough to not to unsettle her, seems to be in her favor. I can even groom her all over while she soaks her hooves and she just stands there. Mission accomplished! Now I just need to get her set up with the chiropractor to fix her overreaching. I've noticed she's been a little tight in her hindquarters and a little touchy when I clean out her back, right hoof. Let's hope the chiropractor pays off.

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