Sunday, April 8, 2012

Join Up - ACHIEVED!!!!!!!!!!!!

Blondie is losing her winter fur, showing a leaner build, and looking better than ever. I haven't been out to the barn much thanks to work, but the other day Blondie learned how to be a horse again :) 

After several attempts to get her to join up, on April 5th, 2012 I achieved join up with Blondie. 

I felt like she finally connected with the deeper part of my soul. Sure, you can get attached to an animal, just like a person, but you're never really "one." 

But Blondie and I are. 

I also got accepted into both colleges I wanted. Got scholarships to both. And I like both. It's going to be a very hard decision. But whatever is best for Blondie will be my choice.

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