Friday, February 15, 2013

Ornery Antics

Blondie is getting better!! Not to mention ornery. I have to keep her inside more now that she is stretching the fence all to hell. Today I took the bottom row of wire off, in hopes that she would be more obliged to eat the grass under the fence, rather than over it. But still, the other day when I let her out in the pasture I got after her for going over the fence again and she lashed out at me, getting pretty close with both hind feet. So I made her go around the pasture a couple times, working her this way and that, to get some energy out while also showing her that kicking (and aiming) at me is unacceptable. She doesn't seem to like my sister's goats too much. She will eat around Orion (the goat in the picture) but pins her ears back when she goes near the other goats. I don't know why she feels the need to defend herself when they are 5 times smaller than her.

She might just be getting a little too spoiled, what with all this hay, grain, and pasture area all to herself. Not to mention she has the comforts of a 2 horse stall, which most horses never get to experience. I don't mind cleaning it every day though. It's something I'm used to. It gives me some time alone from everyone else, considering I don't have my own room anymore (or any room at all for the matter). It's kind of like Blondie and I share it as a place of our own. That is, until the goat stall gets built. Then it'll be gone too.

Sadie really likes the new routine of feeding the horse every morning, cleaning the pasture and stall at 3pm, and night feeding at 6-7pm. She really thinks she's a horse. The other day she was eating snow next to Blondie, as Blondie was grazing on grass. Trying to make a statement Sadie?? Silly dog. She even eats Blondie's grain. Now when I feed Blondie, I have to make sure Sadie is a safe distance away or Blondie gets irritated and pins her ears. I don't need to make a trip to the vet. Yikes!

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