Sunday, December 11, 2011

Winter chills

Was able to go to the barn 3 days in a row. Didn't get to ride, but I got to see Blondie and hang out with her more. Today we got our picture taken with santa hats! I will have to post them when I get them!! 
I worked Blondie in the round pen some. She's getting lazy since I haven't been able to ride...stupid snow. This is when I would really appreciate an indoor arena! Oh well. 
My barn manager was telling me about this famous rider I had never heard of, who lets people stay on his horse farm and work for him over the summer! How cool would that be?! And get this, he's ridden in the Olympics several times!! Ohh what I'd give to go watch the Olympic Equestrian team...
Blondie's feet need trimmed soon =/ urg. Her back feet have been bothering me, because she looks like it hurts when she walks on her back feet. But I'm also over-protective of her so I could just be seeing things..
One of the boarders gave me some hand warmers that are absolutely amazing!! They're called "Grabber warmers and I love them! You just stick them in your gloves, on the palm of your hand and insta heatness! I was able to withstand the cold while working Blondie and I would totally consider getting some! They last for nearly 7 hours, too!

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