Well, it's official. BLONDIE GOT FAT!!! SeE?? ^^^ Finally we got some weight on her. Ironically, she's still pretty skinny. Ugh. I'm just glad we got some fat on her before winter rolled in. AND it doesn't hurt so much to ride bareback cuz of her chub* haha. She still doesn't get along with some of the horses...if you can tell by the marks on her butt. She actually had NO marks ANYWHERE until the day I took this picture. She got all those scrapes in just one night. Crazy right? nope. one of the other mares, Faith, thinks she rules the world. I'm not too fond of her for doing this to my Blondie..
Anyways...Thanksgiving was fun. I went flying out of the saddle thanks to a giant, purebred german shepherd who thought it would be a great idea to charge at Blondie from behind..while I was riding. Well Blondie jumped..and I ended up in the dirt. I was so mad at that dog I stood up, shoulders raised, eyes wide, nostrils flared, and I looked straight at the dog. He booked it back to his house as fast as he could!! He found out what happens when you mess with my horse. He's just lucky he's faster than me.
Anyways, so I'll be sore for a couple days. Nothing out of the ordinary when it comes to horses haha
Until next time!!
To bad she lost all of that weight right when she got it-Steph