Sunday, August 7, 2011

A Special Treat

    Before and after every ride I always give Blondie an "Apple & Oats" flavored treat. It's become a ritual that she definitely likes! The first thing she looks for when I enter her stall is her treat, ears pricked forward, nostrils wide and searching. The minute I take her to her stall after a ride I gently take her bridle off and give her the other treat, which she also looks for. Sometimes I'll bring an extra to give her while I'm walking her after a hose down. She never becomes nippy, as she is careful not to use her teeth while searching my pockets.
     Recently I've found another form of treat that she could die for!! Peppermint Starlight Mints!!!! They sell for only $1.00 a bag at Walmart yet they seem to be the ultimate treat to get her attention. She practically tore it out of my hand, wrapper and all, the first time I gave her one. Now all she does is listen for that wrapper to know I have one. Patience is usually a test when I can't unwrap it fast enough, but she has never pushed or bitten.
     Of course, I only give her treats if she has been good. Bad behavior shouldn't be rewarded or horses will think they will get a treat every time they act up. There are times where they are simply testing you or think it's a game, but that doesn't necessarily mean they are being bad. Either way, Blondie LOVES her peppermints and knows exactly what to do if she wants one. With that kind of face, who could possibly resist?

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