Friday, August 26, 2011

Progress and Priorities

     Hey guys!! So things are going along pretty smoothly so far. I've been working both at my new job and at the stable. Got my first paycheck today and my work schedule takes up almost the entire week as I've been getting more and more hours. I am soooooo ready to finally get Blondie!! Everyone at the stable has been behind me 100% and are waiting to have a party to celebrate me buying Blondie.
     Also, Blondie and I have been getting better in the ring! In our last lesson we jumped A LOT higher!!! It felt amazing to be in the air with her!! I wasn't the least bit scared either. I was more focused on trying not to bounce in the saddle after each landing which was difficult a couple of times. And, as usual, you could see a smile on my face as we cantered around the ring : ) 
     I met the owner of Sunny View Stables, which is where I want to board Blondie. We talked it out and I might be able to work at the farm for a lower boarding cost!! How awesome is that!?!?!?!!!!
     Priorities. I actually made a list of long-term priorities, that I wanted to follow and accomplish, and taped it to my bedroom door frame. I think it was around the middle of my Junior year when I did this. The list is still hanging there, waiting to be completed. I look at it every day as I walk out the door. Here is what it looks like:

Of course, I now have "Job" crossed off. I'm sure you assumed what would be next...Blondie!! She is my number one priority right now, buying her before someone else does. I got the job. I'm going to get the horse. Looking at this list reminds me every morning what I want out of life and what is important right now. I am just waiting on the "green light" to call my trainer and say, "Today's the day. I'm buying Blondie."

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