Not that I'm in enough debt already (mhmmm Blondie) but I've been thinking about and looking into colleges. Equestrian colleges, to be specific. With all the scholarships that are offered at Elmwood along with their financial aid plans, who knows, maybe I'll be attending college in the near future. I'm graduating from high school this year ,after all. It's time to look at my life, decide what I want to do with it, and "get up and go." It involves Blondie, of course. If I can get into a good college without being massively in debt for the rest of my life, I plan on taking her with me. could've guessed that.
There aren't that many colleges that are specifically based around a good equine program. There's one nearby that I'm looking into that actually does. I'm hoping to have a college visit on Oct. 14th with them. Then there are the colleges that are farther away say...Minnesota, West Virginia, Mississippi, etc. Some are regular colleges that offer riding on a team while others are solely about horses. Which would be great if they weren't so expensive...
Also, I've made the decision that (*drum roll please!) I'm going to double major in Equine Studies anddddd Journalism!! I love writing almost as much as I love horses. Notice I said almost. I still love horses more so don't jump to conclusions. But if I want to write a book some day or write for a famous magazine, newspaper, etc. that I'll need some education in that area as well. So instead of using the process of elimination and just choosing one..I decided to follow both. Why not?

But either way, college or not, the future looks pretty good from "my side of the mountain." I have Blondie and that's all that matters.
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