Blondie and I are certainly two of a kind. September 24th was the set date for the Mutt Strutt. A once-a-year charity event, hosted by the Wood County Humane Society, where you collect donations and walk your dog. What does it have to do with Blondie? Nothing at all, but you'll understand after you read this.
My sister and I had been planning on attending the Mutt Strutt for a long time. It's something that has always been on our so-called "bucket list." I woke up at 7am to an upset stomach, most likely from the bad pizza I had eaten the night before. Every time I got up I felt as if I'd vomit on the spot! I was determined not to give in. I was going to the Mutt Strutt! After walking around for awhile I finally got my stomach to empty itself in the bathroom sink and I automatically felt relieved!! I know, eww. So we loaded up our supplies and the dogs and drove about 40 minutes to the park to walk our dogs.
This is where Blondie comes in...
September 26th; I went to the barn since I had work off for the first time in a long time. I pulled up to the barn and saw Blondie walking around with the other horses as usual so I went to get her lead rope. Upon my return I found Blondie laying in the thick mud. I figured she just wanted a good roll, but still had the little voice saying something was up. I brought her up to the barn, hooked her halter to the cross-ties, and groomed her. At first she was fine, but then she started sidestepping and raising her head. Blondie always sidesteps in the cross-ties because she doesn't like the floor mat, but this time she was doing it because of something else. Her head was raised and her eyes were wide, yet not scared. I knew her feet had been a little sore lately due to all the rain so I took her over to some grass and hosed her feet off, thinking it would clear up her antics. WRONG. She kept laying down in the grass, but not rolling. At first I just thought she was excited about the grass, but when she laid her head down too, I immediately began to panic inside. Of course, I didn't let Blondie know that.

The barn owner came out and I addressed her about the situation and she made me trot and fast-walk her. We let her eat some more grass and gave her a dose of pro bios (like paste in a tube) to help aid her digestion. I walked her some more before we put her in her stall to see what she would do. Almost immediately she laid down, but didn't roll. It was good that she wasn't rolling because it could make things much, much worse. She actually fell asleep and started dreaming and snoring, muzzle in the sawdust. One of the dogs, Zepher, woke her up and we brought her out of her stall and into the pasture. I let her go and she laid down in the mud, not caring one bit how messy she looked. But then she tried to roll and I ran and shouted to get her back up. Which she did. The barn owner gave her a dose of a different medicine prescribed by the vet and Blondie did fine for awhile...until she tried rolling again. This time I had to yell and smack her on the butt in order to get her up. But at last Blondie relieved herself and got a drink of water. Good signs!! She stopped laying down and my heart stopped racing. Crisis averted!!!
Blondie is doing better today and will be back to riding soon. I, on the other hand, have some shopping to do before October begins. Horse meds/colic prevention here I come!!
On a side note..Blondie was put in a different pasture due to the various cuts and scrapes she got from her previous herd members. In the picture above she's with her new pasture-mates who get along with her very well!! Oh..does the picture remind you of anything?? The Black Beauty trio!!! How ironic :)