Wednesday, September 28, 2011

One word: College

Not that I'm in enough debt already (mhmmm Blondie) but I've been thinking about and looking into colleges. Equestrian colleges, to be specific. With all the scholarships that are offered at Elmwood along with their financial aid plans, who knows, maybe I'll be attending college in the near future. I'm graduating from high school this year ,after all. It's time to look at my life, decide what I want to do with it, and "get up and go." It involves Blondie, of course. If I can get into a good college without being massively in debt for the rest of my life, I plan on taking her with me. could've guessed that.
     There aren't that many colleges that are specifically based around a good equine program. There's one nearby that I'm looking into that actually does. I'm hoping to have a college visit on Oct. 14th with them. Then there are the colleges that are farther away say...Minnesota, West Virginia, Mississippi, etc. Some are regular colleges that offer riding on a team while others are solely about horses. Which would be great if they weren't so expensive...
     Also, I've made the decision that (*drum roll please!) I'm going to double major in Equine Studies anddddd Journalism!! I love writing almost as much as I love horses. Notice I said almost. I still love horses more so don't jump to conclusions. But if I want to write a book some day or write for a famous magazine, newspaper, etc. that I'll need some education in that area as well. So instead of using the process of elimination and just choosing one..I decided to follow both. Why not?
     Of course I'm just "exploring the possibilities." There is no guarantee that I'll go to college (even though I would really like to) or that I'll get a magic scholarship that will pay my way like some lucky ducks out there. No, no I'm simply creating more pathways toward my future. Which one I'll walk down will reveal itself soon enough. 
    But either way, college or not, the future looks pretty good from "my side of the mountain." I have Blondie and that's all that matters.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Stomach Pains

Blondie and I are certainly two of a kind. September 24th was the set date for the Mutt Strutt. A once-a-year charity event, hosted by the Wood County Humane Society, where you collect donations and walk your dog. What does it have to do with Blondie? Nothing at all, but you'll understand after you read this. 
     My sister and I had been planning on attending the Mutt Strutt for a long time. It's something that has always been on our so-called "bucket list." I woke up at 7am to an upset stomach, most likely from the bad pizza I had eaten the night before. Every time I got up I felt as if I'd vomit on the spot! I was determined not to give in. I was going to the Mutt Strutt! After walking around for awhile I finally got my stomach to empty itself in the bathroom sink and I automatically felt relieved!! I know, eww. So we loaded up our supplies and the dogs and drove about 40 minutes to the park to walk our dogs. 
     This is where Blondie comes in...
  September 26th; I went to the barn since I had work off for the first time in a long time. I pulled up to the barn and saw Blondie walking around with the other horses as usual so I went to get her lead rope. Upon my return I found Blondie laying in the thick mud. I figured she just wanted a good roll, but still had the little voice saying something was up. I brought her up to the barn, hooked her halter to the cross-ties, and groomed her. At first she was fine, but then she started sidestepping and raising her head. Blondie always sidesteps in the cross-ties because she doesn't like the floor mat, but this time she was doing it because of something else. Her head was raised and her eyes were wide, yet not scared. I knew her feet had been a little sore lately due to all the rain so I took her over to some grass and hosed her feet off, thinking it would clear up her antics. WRONG. She kept laying down in the grass, but not rolling. At first I just thought she was excited about the grass, but when she laid her head down too, I immediately began to panic inside. Of course, I didn't let Blondie know that. 
     The barn owner came out and I addressed her about the situation and she made me trot and fast-walk her. We let her eat some more grass and gave her a dose of pro bios (like paste in a tube) to help aid her digestion. I walked her some more before we put her in her stall to see what she would do. Almost immediately she laid down, but didn't roll. It was good that she wasn't rolling because it could make things much, much worse. She actually fell asleep and started dreaming and snoring, muzzle in the sawdust. One of the dogs, Zepher, woke her up and we brought her out of her stall and into the pasture. I let her go and she laid down in the mud, not caring one bit how messy she looked. But then she tried to roll and I ran and shouted to get her back up. Which she did. The barn owner gave her a dose of a different medicine prescribed by the vet and Blondie did fine for awhile...until she tried rolling again. This time I had to yell and smack her on the butt in order to get her up. But at last Blondie relieved herself and got a drink of water. Good signs!! She stopped laying down and my heart stopped racing. Crisis averted!!! 
     Blondie is doing better today and will be back to riding soon. I, on the other hand, have some shopping to do before October begins. Horse meds/colic prevention here I come!!

On a side note..Blondie was put in a different pasture due to the various cuts and scrapes she got from her previous herd members. In the picture above she's with her new pasture-mates who get along with her very well!! Oh..does the picture remind you of anything?? The Black Beauty trio!!! How ironic :)

Sunday, September 18, 2011

~photoshoot at the barn~ & Lancelot

I finally got some senior pics taken!! And better yet...WITH BLONDIE!!! I'm still going to get some pictures taken around the barn and with my dog..but that can wait a little longer...but before winter rolls in. 
Anyyywayyyys, Blondie behaved so well for being walked around, backed up, asked to stand, etc. etc. Plus, she looked b-e-a-utiful in her pictures!!...well, our pictures lol. Some of the shots didn't turn out so well since she kept moving, but we managed.

There's actually a book called A Horse Of Her Own, which I swear is practically a biography about me. The main girl loves horses but can't have her own so she rides at a camp and is in love with a horse named Beau. (Just like a horse i loved name Boo). 
   She ends up getting heartbroken because he gets sold to another person. (JUST LIKE BOO!!) Soo she starts riding another horse her instructor insists she rides. She gets a few major bumps and scrapes accompanied by restless sleep from aches and pains and the use of several ice packs. This horse is, ironically, big and reddish, chestnut in color like Blondie. In the book he's called Lancelot. She absolutely falls for this tall, strong, amazing horse and practically devotes herself to him..kinda like I did to Blondie. Soooo..what I'm trying to say is that I always say, "Blondie is my Lancelot." Now you all know why. I'm actually the one who started the whole, " my Lancelot," line. Now I've gotten other horse people to start saying it..which is pretty awesome!!

Anywhodoodle..just want to say that...and blog. which I I'll shut up now..

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Potential Join Up??

I got Blondie to follow me around the pen!!!!
I got Blondie to follow me around the pen!!!! no halter, no lead, NO TREATS!!!!

Peace and Quiet

Blondie is finally settling in to her new surroundings and making friends with the other horses! I had a day off from work so of course I spent it at the barn. I cleaned some stalls and watered the horses before grooming and tacking up Blondie for a workout. I tried out the barn owner's close contact saddle and fell in love the minute we started trotting! Unlike my saddle, it's thin and flimsy so I can feel all her movements!! She's still getting use to the idea of being worked on grass, since she always wants to stop and eat. Her canter is super fast and bouncy due to unlevel ground, no martingale, and being in a new place. But I'll just have to work at it until I can get her to canter calmly and collected. We've got a long way to go...

I also gave her a bath out in the open instead of tied in the wash rack. I like the space and I think Blondie likes it more. She's too fixed on the grass to really care about running away anyways.

After about a 45 minute work I took her saddle off and climbed on bareback. I walked her around just to cool her off and she seemed totally okay with it!! IT WAS UNBELIEVABLE!!! It was the first time I rode her bareback and I'll be doing it a lot more now that I know what it's's addicting!! Of course I'd never canter her bareback or try trotting while she's fresh, because we all know how that will in the dirt. But just sitting on her with no saddle is something else!! If you're a horse lover you'd understand :)

Saturday, September 10, 2011

New Life at Sunny View

  It's official!!!! Blondie has been trailered and I can see her anytime!! Well..any time I don't work..or have school..or extracurricular activities...etc. etc. etc. I actually spent almost the whole day at the barn today with my two amigas, Colleen and Anita. I cleaned stalls and will be painting fences for a discount on her boarding fee. I also got in some riding time before the rain hit. Blondie did well other than being "light on her feet." I realized that my saddle is completely different than the one I used at Fox Den Farm. It was a close contact, meaning there was less saddle. I like being able to feel her movements and be flexible in the saddle..but mine is very stiff and slippery..creating a huge problem when I canter. By problem I mean "almost eating mud." Soooo after I get a car (hopefully truck) I gotta save up for a newer saddle that actually keeps me on my horse instead of giving me flying lessons. I even think riding her bareback would be better than using my saddle. Yea..that bad. BUT!! I found a bridle online from State Line Tack that I used to use on Blondie. It comes with braided reins AND is under $50!!! I keep finding good deals..Ima beast. Let's hope I can find a cheap, but better, saddle along with a martingale and half chaps...oh! and a winter blanket. 
Blondie is a thoroughbred and has thin skin. Not to mention she's super skinny. Sooo she has to wear a blanket in the colder months until she can fatten up..which shouldn't be a problem at this farm. There is nothing but grass, grass, and more grass. Blondie doesn't seem to mind :) There are also two horses at Sunny View that she's familiar with, considering they were at the same barn. She's made friends with a small horse named Mystery, who she stays close to in the pasture. She's warming up to her new surroundings VERY well and I can't wait to work her in the round pen and possibly achieve Join Up?? We'll see..

Sunday, September 4, 2011

09/04/11 - Blondie..we made it!! Now and Forever

     Blondie is mine. I am the owner of a horse named Bombshell Blondie. a horse owner. 

Never in a million years did I think I would be saying that today. I knew I would eventually get a horse, but now I just can't believe it. I couldn't sleep last night and was up till 4:30am. When I did fall asleep I had a dream about her. About how our world's changed, became one. And today..they did. I drove over to the stable and handed my trainer a big fat check with Blondie's name on it...literally. It had her name on it!! When I had turned down the road the stable was on I almost had a panic attack!! I had to take deep breaths and calm myself because I was so shaken with excitement and disbelief. I couldn't believe it was happening. Yet it was.
     The rest of the day I felt physically sick and mentally fatigued. My mom mentioned that it could be all the stress (the good kind) of getting Blondie. I had figured I was just sick from something at school or work..but I'm honestly starting to think she's right. I have been waiting my WHOLE life for this day...and it's here. How could I not get all worked up?? I'm the one person who would! 
     I am going to board her at a nearby stable until we can install a hardy and safe fence at our 6 acres. It would be such a relief to have her on our own property where I can be around her 24/7 without having to use up gas or pay an expensive boarding fee. BUT it's also a good thing to board her first..considering she IS my first horse. I want to make sure I'm fully prepared to take care of her before we're on our own. After all...she is my horse. :)

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Dreams Coming True

     Stable. Job. Stable. Job. Job. Job. Stable...That is pretty much my weekly schedule now. It feels like I'm never home. BUT I get to hang out at the stable and ride Blondie whenever, which is awesome! 
     I worked at the stable yesterday and hung out with Roy, one of the boarders. He's teaching his horse, Tundra, to respect a rope so he can be entered in roping contests. Well...Tundra does NOT like Roy's new all. I went out to the practice arena with them and Tundra bolted the minute he was through the gate. Roy couldn't catch him, so I did :) Then Roy decided to bring the rope over while I was holding Tundra. Bad idea!! Tundra tried to bolt so I turned him in circles to keep him from running. Sadly..he stepped on my foot =( Just to give you an idea, Tundra is a Warmblood Percheron cross..very heavy horse. Soooo today my toe is looking pretty mutated. And sore. But I refuse to take I'm letting it heal on it's own.
     Annnyyywayyyyss...we're going to make an offer and see what the owner thinks!! My trainer was ever-so-happy to hear us ask, "Who do we make the check out to?" I'm not the only one who has been waiting to hear that. The whole stable is excited now! I'm excited! Blondie is finally going to be "mine." I've spent my whole life working up to this, I can't let it slip now. Blondie is like my "ultimatum." I think about my future and all I can see is me cantering Blondie freely. It doesn't get much better than that. does..I'm getting Blondie :)