I got a phone call last month from the lady I leased Blondie to and she told me that she had gone up to Michigan, where the Breeders had her, and found her emaciated. She immediately loaded her onto a trailer and brought her back to Ohio where I am able to keep an eye on her. The Breeders completely neglected her and had told my leaser that she was gaining weight. Does it look like she's gaining weight to you?! Blondie, being a thoroughbred, is not an easy keeper (meaning it's hard to keep weight on her), but she has never NEVER been this skinny before. Nor should she have ever become this skinny. The Breeders supposedly have grass pastures with knee-high grass.
So obviously, something is wrong here. Especially since they would not release the vet records from the check-ups she "supposedly" received after being bred. When my leaser gave me the phone call I immediately asked for the pictures they took of her, and boiling over, I got the address where she is now being kept under watchful eyes, and went to see her myself. Something in my guy had told me not to go along with the deal, but I gave in because I had no other options. Now I see that I should have followed my instincts. Knowing that this happened to MY horse (or any horse for that matter) completely sets me on fire. Blondie is an amazing creature. She should have never had to go through with this. I can tell you one thing, I WILL be contacting the Humane Society to report animal neglect. Blondie deserves some justice for this spite of cruelty.